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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Filtering by Tag: diagnostic

The List of HVAC Installers Who Respect Science and Math

Corbett Lunsford

Welcome to The List. It's free to view, free to be listed on, I have no interest in stealing anyone's information or making a few bucks on a kickback:

I've had people from Alaska to Manhattan asking where to find an HVAC installer who even understands how to read a Manual J calculation, and just assuring them that 'they're out there' is getting boring. Here is a FREE directory of those people, SELF-SELECTED. I am NOT vetting them. They vet themselves.

Good luck to us all.

Static Pressure Testing for Home HVAC: What, Why, and How in 2 Minutes

Corbett Lunsford

If the ductwork of an HVAC system is not designed, installed, and maintained properly, your home may start to have problems in comfort, humidity control, dust, noise, and equipment failure. Here's the basics you should understand before asking your HVAC installer or service tech to run static pressure testing. From 'Home Diagnosis' episode 209- watch the whole episode:

Join our Patreon membership and get behind the scenes with us making the next season of the show!

Tools used are Retrotec DM-32 gauge and Minneapolis 300 blower door, available at:

Duct Leakage Test: Pass or Fail?

Corbett Lunsford

When you build a duct system, if you want it to work correctly you run a tightness test. See how Corbett did on his home’s first of 5 duct systems for different purposes. Using a Retrotec Duc Tester 300 with DM-32 manometer, available at:

Watch the whole episode, and the whole season:

Uncomfortable Homes Explained: How Air Sealing, Insulation, HVAC and Thermal Mass Actually Works

Corbett Lunsford

From the upcoming Season Two of 'Home Diagnosis': through a 5-day recording of temperature, humidity, and dewpoint with a datalogger, see the actual performance curves of five built environments on our property. Watch the evolution of primitive to advanced built environments, from an open-air workshop to a lived-in high performance home- the effect of air sealing and insulation alone is pretty incredible when you see it like this.

Become a member and help support this show:

See more about Home Diagnosis TV series:

Headaches of HOMEChem: Chemistry and Microbiology of Homes

Corbett Lunsford

In partnership with Santa Fe Dehumidifiers, we're spreading the word on the intense dynamics going on in homes around the world. I keep it short and sweet in this 45-minute class on indoor chemistry, and you'll learn lots about chemicals, reactions, particles, and microbes, and the relationship to them of humidity and ventilation.

Come train with me in Atlanta, or online:

Learn more from Santa Fe and Ultra-Aire:

Hands-On Training in Building Science at our Atlanta School

Corbett Lunsford

Welcome to the training center of our dreams! In this multi-use space at our newly-constructed high performance home in Atlanta’s College Park neighborhood, we’re hosting professional and DIY crowds who want to get hands on with the science of homes: design, installation, and testing.

Come learn about diagnostics, ventilation, air tightness, HVAC, ductwork, blower door testing, infrared thermal photography, moisture investigation, and much more in this state-of-the-art contaminant controlled room. Our balanced Energy Recovery Ventilation system, HEPA filtration loop, and dedicated dehumidifier all work with stellar airtightness and insulation to create a clean, quiet classroom only 5 minutes from the busiest airport in the world.

Check out our upcoming courses:

4 Year Old Tests Home Air Leakage

Corbett Lunsford

My daughter can find out whether your house will perform well or not- but I got to be her first client. She runs our Retrotec 5000 up to 50Pa and shows off how awesomely airtight our family's forever home will be for the next 100 years.

Get the book on testing homes:

See more about the inner airtightness system:

More about blower door systems:

Newest DET Verifier Certified in Georgia!

Corbett Lunsford

Never taught a DET Verifier training for one before- this should be interesting!

Never taught a DET Verifier training for one before- this should be interesting!

In a customized 1-on-1 COVID-adapted class, Corbett Lunsford trained, examined and certified Treondras Manning, HVAC technician and Georgia’s newest certified Duct and Envelope Testing (DET) Verifier. As a DET Verifier, Treondras is certified to perform blower door tests and duct tightness testing on new construction and renovations in the state of Georgia. He is also one of Corbett’s Mastermind students, and is helping homeowners in the Atlanta area tune the air quality, comfort, durability and energy efficiency of their homes with his building science and diagnostics expertise.

DET Verifier Trainees are taught the accepted blower door and duct leakage test protocols from the book ‘Home Performance Diagnostics: the Guide to Advanced Testing’ written by trainer Corbett Lunsford

DET Verifier Trainees are taught the accepted blower door and duct leakage test protocols from the book ‘Home Performance Diagnostics: the Guide to Advanced Testing’ written by trainer Corbett Lunsford

Treondras Manning, right before he received his well-deserved certification as a Georgia certified DET Verifier

Treondras Manning, right before he received his well-deserved certification as a Georgia certified DET Verifier

Watch DET Verifier Treondras Manning test Corbett’s heat pump cabinet for duct leakage in the high performance house his family is building.

Testing the Air Handler Cabinet Leakage

Corbett Lunsford

Mastermind student Treondras and I isolated the air leakage built into my Mitsubishi heat pump’s air handler cabinet using a Retrotec Duc Tester 300 and DM-32 gauge. Turns out I made the right decision with Mitsubishi! Their 5 cfm at 25 Pa beats Neil Comparetto’s 6 cfm record. Good job guys.