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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Minority Scholarship

PROFESSIONALS WHO PRACTICE MEASURED PERFORMANCE ARE THE ELITE OF THE BUILDING INDUSTRY. This group of pros has generally been pale, male, and stale-- we need more diversity to bring fresh perspectives.

It’s already been done in manufacturing and transportation- and when mainstream construction and home improvements incorporate performance testing metrics to provide proof of quality, the world will be a better place. To get there, we need lots of ideas from different kinds of people to help spread the word to different types of customers. So if you are any of these in North America:

  • Non-white

  • Female

…then you qualify to apply for a training scholarship with us. Everyone who meets the criteria will be awarded the scholarship. Complete the application process (details at bottom) and pay the $250 fee, and you’ll get:



Starting December 1, 2019 applications will be accepted. EVERYONE WHO MEETS THE CRITERIA WILL BE AWARDED. There are 3 things you need to do:

  1. Record and send us a short video of yourself (90 seconds max), sharing who you are and how your work will be impacted by this training package. You’ll be granting us the right to edit and share this video so we can help other people learn about and take advantage of this program.

  2. Fill out the form below with your contact info. This info will be used internally, and will never be sold or given away to anyone.

  3. When you’re accepted, pay the $250 fee, schedule your coachings with Corbett, and receive immediate access to your online trainings.

#1: Record Your Video

Don't worry about hiring a video crew- just point whatever camera you have (including a webcam) at you so we can see at least your face and shoulders.

Introduce yourself and tell us exactly how you hope this training will affect your future opportunities. Keep it short and sweet- no more than 90 seconds.

#2: Upload Your Video

Make sure the video looks and sounds the way you like (because we may show it to other people too). It'll be too big a file to email, so visit: and send it to Corbett @

#3: Give us your details below: