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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Latest HVAC Trade Show: Highlights Tour of AHR EXPO 2023 (ERV, air cleaning, humidity, & heat pumps)

Corbett Lunsford

Ventilation! Filters! Blue Lights! Dehumidifiers and humidifiers! Tankless heat pump water heaters!?! Lots to see this year, here are my thoughts on applications of some of these products and systems.

0:20 Renewaire EV series ERV:

2:27 Bath fans

3:13 Broan AI series ERV:

5:08 Spinning enthalpy wheels

7:57 Side effects of active air cleaners

9:52 Electric fireplaces: equally romantic?

10:14 Passive house multifamily research on long-term ERV performance with Jason LaFleur

11:58 Make Up Air dehumidification option

12:50 Humidification for homes with SteamOVap Modulating Humidifier

14:27 Atmox crawlspace ventilation control system

16:31 Parmesan cheese

16:36 Sealed combustion or power-vented?

16:55 Party load mobile air conditioners

18:31 Mitsubishi Hyper Heat Sumo Heat Pumps:

19:49 Lennox's biggest customers are production builders (why does that sound so fishy?)

19:56 Mr. Cool DIY Ductless Mini Splits

21:59 Underground duct thought experiment

23:02 Reflectix duct insulation system

25:16 Problems with spray foam insulation for ducts

25:49 Flex duct configurations

27:55 Duct cleaning equipment

28:44 Tankless heat pump water heater?

32:54 Directional vents and Manual T

34:22 The only ceiling fans I saw at the whole show?!?

34:25 The most beautiful woman in the world