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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Science of Sick Building Syndrome & Environmental Sensitivity- Ep 307 of HOME DIAGNOSIS TV Series

Corbett Lunsford

Whether it's named MCS, CIRS, MCAS, etc, the phenomenon of people becoming over-sensitized to their environment is a very real and very painful thing. Let's dig into the science we know for sure- and the cleaning, maintenance, and material selections that can help unaffected families stay that way.

Join our Patreon team and be part of the exploration of the Science of Homes:

Featured researchers and experts:
Charles Weschler- Atmospheric Chemist at Rutgers University
Anil & Nilima Mittal- Moldy Home Survivors
Jeffrey Siegel- Indoor Air Quality Researcher at University of Toronto
John Downey- Exec. Dir. of Cleaning Industry Research Institute (CIRI)
Chris Wilson- Dallas Homeowner Doing Renovations
Miriam Diamond- Environmental Chemist at University of Toronto
James Scott- Mycologist at University of Toronto and
Corinne Segura- Healthy Materials Specifier at
Atila Novoselac- Building Scientist at University of Texas at Austin
Andrew Whelton- Water Safety Researcher at Purdue University
Jason Earle- Mold Expert at
Karen Dannemiller- Environmental Engineer at Ohio State University
Marc Webb- Environmental Chemist at University of North Carolina
Barb Turpin- Environmental Chemist at University of North Carolina

Also featuring chemistry visualizations by Kamil Czapiga ( and lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons and the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

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Home Disasters: Earthquakes, Landslides, Sinkholes, and What To Do- Ep 306 of HOME DIAGNOSIS

Corbett Lunsford

An exploration of the natural phenomena around our homes that are unexpectedly hard or soft- hail, landslides, liquefaction of the ground during earthquakes, and the research around all of these.

Join our Patreon team and be part of the exploration of the Science of Homes:

Featured researchers and experts:
Joseph Wartman- Disaster Resilience Researcher at University of Washington
Elaina Sutley- Disaster Resilience Researcher at Kansas State University
Ian Robertson- Disaster Resilience Researcher at University of Hawaii
Koorosh Lotfizadeh- Earthquake Researcher at UC San Diego
Pedro Lomonaco- Coastal Engineering Researcher at Oregon State University
Dan Wilson- Geotechnical Researcher at UC Davis
Ross Boulanger- Geotechnical Researcher at UC Davis
Jason DeJong- Biogeotechnical Researcher at UC Davis
Anne Cope- Chief Engineer at IBHS
Trey Flournoy- Property Insurance Attorney

Also featuring the UCSD Shake Table (, the UC Davis Centrifuge (, and IBHS (, and lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons and the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

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Beware of Air Purifiers, Miracle Products, & Quick Fixes- Ep 305 of HOME DIAGNOSIS

Corbett Lunsford

In trying to fix our problems, are we actually just rearranging them? For every product advertised to fix something in your home, there is its shadow- the byproduct you might not suspect. Every home is a system, and all the parts interact through physics, chemistry, and microbiology- but since we can’t predict the specific combination of products in your home, we can’t predict their interactions. But there are ways to buy, and even build, in a less chaotic way, that gives us more control over the hazards we face every day.
Join our Patreon team and become part of the frontier of the Science of Homes:

Featured researchers and experts:
Jeffrey Siegel- Air Quality Researcher at University of Toronto
Rich Corsi- OG Indoor Air Quality Researcher, now at UC Davis
Scott True- Homebuilder at Dimora Homes (
Sheridan Reed- Owner of a high performance Dimora Home
Lisa Ng- Building Scientist at NIST
Karen Dannemiller- Environmental Engineer at Ohio State University
Elliott Gall- Air Quality Researcher at Portland State University
Arthur Chan- Environmental Researcher at University of Toronto
Rob Krug- Cybersecurity Engineer

Also featuring lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons licensing on Flickr and from the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

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Science of Home Flooding, Hurricanes, Tsunamis, & Tornadoes - Ep 304 of HOME DIAGNOSIS TV Series

Corbett Lunsford

What happens in a home that's flooded, hit by waves, pushed over or twisted by tornadoes and hurricanes? The chemistry, microbiology and physics is a LOT more interesting than the simple soundbites we typically hear.

Featured researchers and experts:
Delphine Farmer- Atmospheric Chemist at Colorado State University
Elaina Sutley- Disaster Resilience Researcher at Kansas State University
Anne Cope- Chief Engineer at IBHS
Chris Wilson- Tornado Survivor
Pedro Lomonaco- Coastal Engineering Researcher at Oregon State University
Ian Robertson- Disaster Resilience Researcher at University of Hawaii
Mark & Carol Slegers- Owners of a Floating Home

Also featuring the OSU Hinsdale Wave Research Lab, the FIU Wall of Wind, the NIST Net-Zero Test House, and IBHS, and lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons and the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

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Science of Pest Control Disasters (Bedbugs, Roaches, & Rodents)- Ep 303 of HOME DIAGNOSIS TV Series

Corbett Lunsford

Let's go DEEP into the science (and the annoyingly personal experiences) of 'pests' of all kinds that live in homes, plus the bug bombs and other pesticides that may have unintended consequences for your home's ecosystem and your family's health. Study the non-human occupants of our homes, and even into the homes they make for themselves in nature, using techniques we only discover much later. Learn more than you probably want to about cockroaches, bedbugs, rodents, wasps, indoor microbes, and the nuances of pest control.

Featured researchers and experts: 

Also featuring lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons and the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

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The #1 Problem in Home Performance- Air Leakage: Ep 302 of HOME DIAGNOSIS TV Series

Corbett Lunsford

Grace and Corbett Lunsford take you across North America investigating the story of air leakage with visualizations and demonstrations testing this ultimate invisible dynamic, AND the disasters it can lead to in worst cases, including one of the worst mold infestations we've ever seen.

Join our team and keep this show independent:

Featured researchers and experts: 

  • Anil and Nilima Mittal- Moldy Home Survivors

  • Jason Earle- Mold Inspector at

  • Marianne Touchie- Building Scientist at University of Toronto

  • Delphine Farmer- Atmospheric Chemist at Colorado State University

  • Elliott Gall- Air Quality Researcher at Portland State University

  • Jake Nuckolls- Building Performance Trainer at

Also featuring NIST net-zero research center (, the House of Pressure, and lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons and the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

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The Science of Home Fires & Wildfire: Ep 301 of HOME DIAGNOSIS TV Series

Corbett Lunsford

Grace and Corbett Lunsford are back with another season of this first-of-its-kind public television series on the Science of Homes. Join our team and keep this show independent:

In this first episode of eleven in season 3, we explore fire- both house fires and wildfires, and dive deep into the science of smoke detectors, flame retardants, how fires spread and how they can be managed.

Featured researchers and experts: 

  • Jay Fleming - Boston Fire Chief, Retired

  • Michael Link - Analytical Chemist, NIST

  • Shawn Richardson - House Fire Survivor - BIG THANKS FOR SHARING YOUR STORY

  • Anne Cope - Chief Engineer, IBHS

  • Ethan Foote - Asst. Fire Chief, Retired

  • Liora Mael - Atmospheric Chemist, CSU

  • Yana Valachovic - Wildfire Researcher

  • Nathan Trauernicht - Fire Chief, UC Davis

  • Todd Lando - Wildfire Mitigation Specialist, CA

  • Sarah Henderson - Indoor Air Researcher, BCCDC

  • Arthur Chan - Environmental Chemist, UToronto

  • Andrew Whelton - Water Safety Researcher, Purdue U

  • Joseph Wartman - Disaster Resilience Researcher, UW

  • Miriam Diamond - Environmental Chemist, UToronto

Also featuring Vulcan Vents (, the IBHS research center (, the UC Davis fire department, and lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons and the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

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Join the Cult of Home Performance on Patreon

Corbett Lunsford

Friends, we have taken our membership to the next level. As of release of this video, we have 70 Patreon members, and we'd love to have you join us, to get to know you too! Details at:

All Home Diagnosis Patrons receive access to:
-Early Access to all YouTube and TV content
-Upcoming & past live stream Q&A /Hangouts with Grace & Corbett
-Patreon community message board

For the price of buying us a drink, you'll receive:
-10% discount once a month for one-on-one consulting with Corbett
-ALL rewards from lower tiers

At the dollar-a-day level you will receive:
-BOTH of our online trainings ‘Home Performance for Tiny Spaces’ and ‘Home Performance Crash Course’ ($58 Value)
-10% OFF any service or product we offer
-Your questions answered: on the Building Performance Podcast we answer questions from our audience, but at this level your questions get priority
-ALL rewards from lower tiers

For the price of a dinner date you will receive:
-Special Training/Tool & Technique Demonstration Videos per your request
-The full color PDF edition of our book, Home Performance Diagnostics ($69 value)
-Free monthly group coaching with Corbett via Zoom ($100 value each month)
-Live access to other group coachings with Corbett, with Q&A
-ALL rewards from previous tiers

Join today for immediate access!

‘Quick’ Tour of NEW DISCOVERIES About Chemistry of Indoor Environments

Corbett Lunsford

Grace was invited to the National Academy of Sciences for the grand unveiling of all the data found through the HOMEChem and CASA experiments, and the MOCCIE modeling consortium.

We now have a TON of new questions that researchers will be chasing answers to over the coming decades, and if you're subscribed to this channel you're in the right place to hear the stories of what this all means.

There are many scientific papers on how dangerous chemistry-based air cleaners can be. Here are some:

There are lots of others. Having said that, we’re not sure that technical papers are necessarily useful. They tend to target a single device and so a manufacturer can always say that their device is different than the one that is tested. They also aren’t easy reading.

You might find some of the webinars that people have done to be better sources. Here are some:

If you google on the names above as well as our all-time hero Jeffrey Siegel, you will find a bunch more.

Learn LOTS more about other topics in this vid at the HOMEChem playlist:

Watch the first TV series ever about the Science of Homes:

JOIN OUR TEAM and get awesome behind the scenes access to us and our work:

TEASER for 'Home Diagnosis' Season 3: Accidents Happen

Corbett Lunsford

We can't wait to share season 3 of our PBS series 'Home Diagnosis' with you all! Coming this winter, see lots more at:

Be part of our team and get exclusive access to us as we finish out the show:

Photos by Peter Essick:

The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.