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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Filtering by Tag: home diagnosis

Outdoor Pollution Reacting in Your Home (Water Toxins, Smog, Wildfire Smoke) HOME DIAGNOSIS Ep 310

Corbett Lunsford

Can we ever truly be safe living in a bubble? Physics, chemistry, and microbiology teach us that it's impossible to avoid dealing with industrial and traffic pollution, water contaminants, sewer system upgrades (whoa that part), your workplace, fast fashion, and wildfire smoke (plus third-hand smoke, which you might not even have heard of yet). And what happens when the outdoor world and our indoor world meet and react?

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Featured researchers and experts: 

Miriam Diamond, Environmental Chemist at University of Toronto

Marianne Hatzopoulou, Air Quality Researcher at University of Toronto

Sarah Henderson, Indoor Air Researcher at British Columbia Centers for Disease Control

Elliott Gall, Air Quality Researcher at Portland State University

Delphine Farmer, Atmospheric Chemist at Colorado State University

Andrew Whelton, Water Safety Researcher at Purdue University

Mike Marquez, Water Filtration Technician

Jeffrey Siegel, Indoor Air Quality Researcher at University of Toronto

Lauren Garofalo, Atmospheric Chemist at Colorado State University

Michael Link, Analytical Chemist at NIST

Also featuring UrbanScanner (, the Center for Plumbing Safety ( and their research on Cured-In-Place Pipe technology (see the list of accidents happening across the US here:, the art of chemistry visualization by our friend Kamil Czapiga ( and lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons and the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.  

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HOW TO NOT GET SCREWED: Advice for Renters/Mobile Homes/Insurance/Lawsuits: Ep 311 of HOME DIAGNOSIS

Corbett Lunsford

Are we doing a good job preparing for, and recovering from disasters? Whether it’s a personal disaster with physics, chemistry or microbiology in your own home, or floods and fires that cross state lines, it’s become clear to us the answer is: we could do better. There are some problems baked into the system of disaster preparedness and recovery itself- in renting vs. owning property, insurance claims, lawsuits and even mobile home construction standards (sounds boring, is definitely not). Let’s talk about why the problems exist, how to avoid them, and what to do if you need to fight for your family’s future in a safe and healthy home.

Join our team and keep this show independent:

Featured researchers and experts: 

Lori Peek, Social Scientist at University of Colorado- Boulder

Andrew Whelton, Water Safety Researcher at Purdue University

Elaina Sutley, Disaster Resilience Researcher at Kansas State University

Jennifer Bridge, Disaster Resilience Researcher at University of Florida

Bill Lazar, Executive Director at St. Johns Housing Partnership (

Susan Giddens, Affordable Rehab Manager at St. Johns Housing Partnership

Anil Mittal, Moldy Home Survivor in Houston TX

Trey Flournoy, Property Insurance Attorney

Also featuring lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons and the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.  

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Beware of Air Purifiers, Miracle Products, & Quick Fixes- Ep 305 of HOME DIAGNOSIS

Corbett Lunsford

In trying to fix our problems, are we actually just rearranging them? For every product advertised to fix something in your home, there is its shadow- the byproduct you might not suspect. Every home is a system, and all the parts interact through physics, chemistry, and microbiology- but since we can’t predict the specific combination of products in your home, we can’t predict their interactions. But there are ways to buy, and even build, in a less chaotic way, that gives us more control over the hazards we face every day.
Join our Patreon team and become part of the frontier of the Science of Homes:

Featured researchers and experts:
Jeffrey Siegel- Air Quality Researcher at University of Toronto
Rich Corsi- OG Indoor Air Quality Researcher, now at UC Davis
Scott True- Homebuilder at Dimora Homes (
Sheridan Reed- Owner of a high performance Dimora Home
Lisa Ng- Building Scientist at NIST
Karen Dannemiller- Environmental Engineer at Ohio State University
Elliott Gall- Air Quality Researcher at Portland State University
Arthur Chan- Environmental Researcher at University of Toronto
Rob Krug- Cybersecurity Engineer

Also featuring lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons licensing on Flickr and from the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

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Our DIY Forever Home Build: Testing Blower Door, Infrared, HVAC, Pressure Imbalances

Corbett Lunsford

From ‘Home Diagnosis’ Season 2 ep13: See what comprehensive home performance testing looks like, as we prove the forever home we built does what we designed it to do. Test instruments used, all available thru

  • Retrotec 5000 blower door and DM-32 pressure gauge

  • Retrotec Flow Box

  • Hikmicro M30 infrared thermal camera

  • TEC DG-8 pressure gauge

  • TEC TruFlow Grid

  • HOBO MX1101 temp/humidity datalogger

  • Testo 400 large vane anemometer

Watch the whole episode:

Home Improvement FAILS: Things to Avoid Wasting Money On

Corbett Lunsford

From 'Home Diagnosis' Seaon 2 Ep 6: lots of companies are selling you lots of things that will 'make your home better'. As we all know, marketing and science are not the same thing- so here are a few tricks to watch out for: new windows, water heater insulation wrap, heat strips, and attic fans. Watch the whole episode:

Join our Patreon team for as little as $5/month and be part of our exploration of the science of homes!

Best of 2022 Nat'l Home Performance Conference

Corbett Lunsford

We were deep into this year's National Home Performance Conference in Nashville, and in addition to giving classes on ventilation, advanced testing, and a screening of 'Home Diagnosis', we checked out what's cool and new on the trade show floor. Here are our favorites:

Broan Ventilation Components:

Rockwool Insulation:

AirCycler Ventilation Controls and Sensors:

Retrotec Instruments:

TruTech Tools:

TEC Instruments:

Check out 'Home Diagnosis' and the other incredible companies who are investing in educating the public on building science:

Roasting the Home HVAC Industry on National TV: Technicians vs. Mechanics

Corbett Lunsford

HVAC technicians will someday be the masters of the science of homes, but right now it's not looking too hot. Hear from Jim Bergmann, one of the world's HVAC legends, why most HVAC installs are wrong from the minute the load calculations are started using Manual J, Manual S, and Manual D without using a blower door first.

Watch the show at

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Air On Fire: Mindblowing Picture of Your Home's Indoor Chemistry

Corbett Lunsford

It's hard to believe in something you can't see, so let us show it to you. Learn the most basic facts about the chemistry of the air around your face, every minute of every day of your life. Thanks to our 18 show sponsor companies and three dozen Patreon supporters for making this show season possible. Help support our work at: See the show at:

Building Our Forever Home DIY: Lessons Learned

Corbett Lunsford

What have we learned designing and building our own forever home? Well, kind of a lot. But we tried to keep it short, so here’s a 40-minute long tour through our brains while we’re still under construction.

We’d LOVE your support to keep bringing all this free education to the world. You can support us for as little as $5/month at:

Starting a Minority Scholarship

Corbett Lunsford

Grace and Corbett Lunsford (, along with Matt Risinger ( and Bryan Orr ( are developing a scholarship program for training and mentoring minority professionals in the building industry. Know someone who could use a leg up on the competition by incorporating more high performance building techniques and tools?

Building Performance Podcast #85

Corbett Lunsford

Today Corbett and Grace address several more questions about building science and home performance from homeowners and pros across the U.S. See the show at: Become a supporting member of their work at: