Outdoor Pollution Reacting in Your Home (Water Toxins, Smog, Wildfire Smoke) HOME DIAGNOSIS Ep 310
Corbett Lunsford
Can we ever truly be safe living in a bubble? Physics, chemistry, and microbiology teach us that it's impossible to avoid dealing with industrial and traffic pollution, water contaminants, sewer system upgrades (whoa that part), your workplace, fast fashion, and wildfire smoke (plus third-hand smoke, which you might not even have heard of yet). And what happens when the outdoor world and our indoor world meet and react?
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Featured researchers and experts:
Miriam Diamond, Environmental Chemist at University of Toronto
Marianne Hatzopoulou, Air Quality Researcher at University of Toronto
Sarah Henderson, Indoor Air Researcher at British Columbia Centers for Disease Control
Elliott Gall, Air Quality Researcher at Portland State University
Delphine Farmer, Atmospheric Chemist at Colorado State University
Andrew Whelton, Water Safety Researcher at Purdue University
Mike Marquez, Water Filtration Technician
Jeffrey Siegel, Indoor Air Quality Researcher at University of Toronto
Lauren Garofalo, Atmospheric Chemist at Colorado State University
Michael Link, Analytical Chemist at NIST
Also featuring UrbanScanner (https://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/the-urbanscanner-project-mobile-monitoring-of-air-pollution-in-cities/), the Center for Plumbing Safety (https://engineering.purdue.edu/PlumbingSafety) and their research on Cured-In-Place Pipe technology (see the list of accidents happening across the US here: https://engineering.purdue.edu/CIPPSafety/resources/incidents), the art of chemistry visualization by our friend Kamil Czapiga (https://Cosmodernism.com) and lots of footage courtesy of Creative Commons and the US DOD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.
Dive deeper at: https://HomeDiagnosis.tv/episode-310-outside-sneaking-in