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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Filtering by Tag: softener

New Ways to Purify Tap Water in Homes: Latest Water Softener, Catalytic Carbon Filter, Tankless RO

Corbett Lunsford

While on tour making 'Home Diagnosis' Season 3, Grace and Corbett Lunsford visited the water purification experts led by Erik Bernal at Elite Water Systems to check out the new systems they've developed. See the innovations built into their Platinum 1.5 water softener and catalytic carbon filter (which now captures chloramine and can be regenerated), the tankless reverse osmosis system with built in testing of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and the Titanium whole home filter that delivers up to 10 gallons per minute.

Thanks to Kathy Cabello and Mike Marquez for answering all these questions. See their installation at the Lunsford's forever home:

Learn more about the customizations possible for water purification:

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Installing our Water Filter, Softener, Reverse Osmosis, Blu Beverage Station and Phyn Leak Detection

Corbett Lunsford

With before and after testing, you can see the impressive amount of details that go into this water performance system from our friends at Elite Water Systems ( See the nitty gritty on testing the hardness and chlorine content of tap water, installing the Pentair Pro Elite Analyzer and programming process, the 5-filter Reverse Osmosis (RO) system, brine tanks and the salt options to consider, the Grohe Blu sparkling/chilled water station, and Phyn leak detection.

Water Purification System Unboxing

Corbett Lunsford

Here's the unboxing of the system that Elite Water Systems of Texas has helped us design! Thanks to Erik Bernal and his team, we now understand a lot more about how this whole-house charcoal filtration and water softening, kitchen-only reverse osmosis and even chilled/carbonated beverage station works.

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More on this build at:

Water Purification and Plumbing Monitoring

Corbett Lunsford

Now that the house is dried in, hear Grace talk with Erik Bernal ( and Ann Reynolds ( talk through the major components of the fresh water supply system. Learn more about this build at: