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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Filtering by Category: Performance Pros

The List of HVAC Installers Who Respect Science and Math

Corbett Lunsford

Welcome to The List. It's free to view, free to be listed on, I have no interest in stealing anyone's information or making a few bucks on a kickback:

I've had people from Alaska to Manhattan asking where to find an HVAC installer who even understands how to read a Manual J calculation, and just assuring them that 'they're out there' is getting boring. Here is a FREE directory of those people, SELF-SELECTED. I am NOT vetting them. They vet themselves.

Good luck to us all.

Different Room Temperatures & Outdoor Design Setpoints: Alex Meaney and Dustin Cole GO OFF

Corbett Lunsford

Why do people ask for specific HVAC stuff, and do they really need what they're asking for? Let's dive deep into the design and installation of non-mainstream HVAC requests, like different target room temperatures in a home, or outdoor design temperatures that are higher than the 99% hottest we normally use.

See Dustin Cole's interview at:

Find Dustin at his family business Cole Air:

Alex Meaney has made several videos with me so far:
Manual J Deep Dive
Manual S Deep Dive
Duct Design and Existing Home System Replacements

Find Alex at:

See how HVAC pressures can affect rooms when the doors are closed:

Duct Design Tips & Replacing Furnaces with Heat Pumps with Alex Meaney

Corbett Lunsford

We're back again with my HVAC design calculations trainer Alex Meaney (, to talk about ductwork and connections and filters and how to get all this right when replacing an old system in existing homes.

Watch my first two videos with Alex: Manual J Load Calculation

Manual S Equipment Selection

Mystery Problems in New Home SOLVED by Builder Using Diagnostics: Scott True, Dimora Homes

Corbett Lunsford

Scott True has been building spec and custom homes outside Austin TX, and he impressed me from the first time we worked together. To see some of the experiments he's running to make performance homes more affordable, watch Matt Risinger's 40 minute follow along at one of his builds:

IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. Say it back, everybody, and spread the word. Find Dimora Homes at:

Level 15 nerds get their diagnostic tools at:

HVAC Training Advice from an HVAC Pro Technician

Corbett Lunsford

Dustin Cole is a 23-year HVAC veteran (and a proud Patreon member of ours- join him at ), and he has successfully transformed his heating and cooling company from a regular old family business into a leader in delivering performance-based HVAC systems, using diagnostics and computer analysis. IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. Say it back, everybody, and spread the word.

Find Cole Air at:

Manual J Default Air Leakage Inputs vs. Blower Door Test ACH50

Corbett Lunsford

I'm pretty sure the awesome folks who created Manual J (like Hank Rutkowski- hear my interview with him here), and the softwares we use to run the calculations (Elite RHVAC, used here, and Wrightsoft) do not have a lot of personal experience with the test dynamics of home enclosures, and may never have actually used a blower door before. Here's a demonstration of why it's so important to respect the blower door if you're doing HVAC design for residential construction or home improvement.

Learn to perform and analyze Blower Door and Duct Tightness Tests in my 1 Day Training at:

There are two blower door brands, both available at:

See a tour of a full Manual J report below:

Mold House Tour and Scientific Causes: Disaster Production Home Build in Houston Texas

Corbett Lunsford

Meet our friends Anil and Nilima Mittal- they're suing the biggest production home builder in the USA. With help from Jason Earle, 20-year mold inspection veteran, we tell the story of how this mold disaster of a brand new home began, and how their health has suffered because of it.

This home is at:

8711 Rampart Point Dr

Richmond, TX 77406

Get your own simple mold test:

Become supporters of our work, just like Anil, and join our Patreon group for as little as $5/month!


Manual S Deep Dive: Selecting HVAC Equipment Based on Manual J Load Calcs- Part 2 of 2

Corbett Lunsford

Picking up where we left off in Part 1 (, Alex Meaney shows a design where a 3.5 ton, a 4 ton, and a 5 ton air conditioner all match a Manual J load, and explores the fine points of practical applications of the 3 rules of Manual S: 1. Select equipment that can handle 100% of the humidity load (latent heat) at minimum 2. Select equipment that does not exceed cooling load by too much (15% for single stage equip, 20% for 2-stage, 30% for variable capacity) 3. Select equipment that does not exceed total capacity by too much (but this rule must be broken in some cases)

Check out Alex Meaney's trainings:

Watch Matt Risinger's video on the Build Show about my Manual J report tour:

Manual J Deep Dive (and Selecting HVAC Equipment with Manual S)- Part 1 of 2

Corbett Lunsford

Alex Meaney is my trainer when I level up on HVAC design calculations, and he came to visit us and share some of his expertise. Alex reveals what the J stands for and why you should never round up the tonnage from your Manual J software, and gives two rules for Manual S: 1. Never use AHRI data 2. Meet the latent load while not going too far over the sensible load (more in part 2) Check out Alex Meaney's trainings: Watch Matt Risinger's video on the Build Show about my Manual J report tour: Learn more about the Science of Homes: Watch the first-ever TV series about the Science of Homes:

Our DIY Forever Home Build: Testing Blower Door, Infrared, HVAC, Pressure Imbalances

Corbett Lunsford

From ‘Home Diagnosis’ Season 2 ep13: See what comprehensive home performance testing looks like, as we prove the forever home we built does what we designed it to do. Test instruments used, all available thru

  • Retrotec 5000 blower door and DM-32 pressure gauge

  • Retrotec Flow Box

  • Hikmicro M30 infrared thermal camera

  • TEC DG-8 pressure gauge

  • TEC TruFlow Grid

  • HOBO MX1101 temp/humidity datalogger

  • Testo 400 large vane anemometer

Watch the whole episode:

The Restaurant Analogy: How to Level Up Home Improvement & Construction

Corbett Lunsford

From 'HOME DIAGNOSIS' Season 2 Ep13: Aside from simple lack of education (which we and a crowd of our colleagues are trying to fix on YouTube, PBS, and elsewhere), the problems with the building industry are these, as we see it: 1. Low expectations from customers 2. Limited consequences for pros doing it wrong We'll talk about #2 another time, but this video describes very simply how we fix the expectation piece of the problem: by copying restaurant culture. See the whole episode this came from:

Explore the Science of Homes with us- join our team!

Spray Foam Inspection & Testing in Crawlspace and Side Attic

Corbett Lunsford

From 'Home Diagnosis' Season 2 Ep6: Spray foam insulation is often advertised as a cure-all, but there are LOTS of ways to mess it up. Here's a tour and testing of a home in Atlanta where the spray foam insulation isn't doing what it was intended to do. Watch the whole episode:

Join our Patreon team and be part of our exploration of the Science of Homes: