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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Builder Show Best and Worst: IBS 2022 Healthy Home Highlights

Corbett Lunsford

LOTS going on in the air quality space during this show (and not just the sky high CO2 or the combustion gases)- from new sophisticated controls for ventilation, components and plans to protect against disasters like wildfire, earthquake, and tornadoes, to more evolved HVAC systems and the overall direction of builders for the mainstream.

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When HGTV Starts Copying 'Home Diagnosis'...

Corbett Lunsford

Children Building Homes for No Pay on National Television: Science of Homes for Cable Networks

We shot a pilot episode for the Shark Week version of our show on PBS, and we think this could win awards. Not for science though. For slapstick. Are there awards for that?

Our children ‘design’ and ‘build’ a ‘high performance home’ that we then ‘test’ with ‘scientific diagnostics’ so that we can ‘educate the public’. Including ‘HVAC diagnostics’, ‘comfort analysis’, ‘pressure balancing’, infrared thermal photography, and a ‘blower door test’ that does not bode well.

How Perfect Can a New Home's Chemistry Get? Healthy Indoors Minute

Corbett Lunsford

Even with their newly-finished home still obviously off-gassing, and with a massive amount of wood finishes and structural materials certainly emitting formaldehyde, this high performance forever home is testing like a decades-old, well-established house as told by chemist Alice Delia of Prism Analytical. Through the selection of low-emitting materials where possible AND 24/7 ventilation of the spaces, the Lunsfords have achieved their goal of a sanctuary with limited chemistry.

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Roasting the Home HVAC Industry on National TV: Technicians vs. Mechanics

Corbett Lunsford

HVAC technicians will someday be the masters of the science of homes, but right now it's not looking too hot. Hear from Jim Bergmann, one of the world's HVAC legends, why most HVAC installs are wrong from the minute the load calculations are started using Manual J, Manual S, and Manual D without using a blower door first.

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Basic Building Science for Homes: Testing is the Cornerstone (from Home Diagnosis)

Corbett Lunsford

In our practice of diagnostics, inspections, computer modeling, load calculations, and verifying that healthy home targets have been achieved, we use a very simple approach, and here it is. From season 2 of Home Diagnosis:

Air On Fire: Mindblowing Picture of Your Home's Indoor Chemistry

Corbett Lunsford

It's hard to believe in something you can't see, so let us show it to you. Learn the most basic facts about the chemistry of the air around your face, every minute of every day of your life. Thanks to our 18 show sponsor companies and three dozen Patreon supporters for making this show season possible. Help support our work at: See the show at:

How Hard is our ERV Working? Testing the Chemical Exhaust, Dust Samples, Rugs, and Formaldehyde

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett is testing his family's new high performance home for chemicals- in the dust of the floor, in potential allergens in the (very nice) used rugs they're getting, and even in the exhaust of their energy recovery ventilator (ERV). Thanks to Prism Analytical ( for being ready to give us the full rundown of what the results mean next month- don't forget that ANYONE can do these tests in any scenario- it's not rocket science. Subscribe to Healthy Indoors Magazine and join the online community: This ERV is the SER150 from: Join our Patreon members for behind-the-scenes access and to support our work: See the first-ever TV series about the Science of Homes:

High Performance Laundry Room: Miele Heat Pump Dryer and High-Tech Washing Machine with Testing

Corbett Lunsford

Grace Lunsford teams up with Miele’s US technical trainer Jared Costa to give an in-depth tour of the highest tech in washing machines and clothes dryers.

0:49 Clothes washer WXD 160 WCS:

6:43 Heat pump dryer TXD160WP:

11:07 Mythbusting heat pump dryers: size, time, and heat

11:42 Testing heat pump room effect

High Performance Kitchen Triangle: Miele Induction, Convection, Dishwasher & Fridge

Corbett Lunsford

Grace shows off her badass beautiful kitchen triangle of 20-year appliances, with technical expertise from Miele's awesome training director, Jared Costa.

3:53 Induction Cooktop KM 6370:

11:05 Warming Drawer ESW 6114:

16:31 Convection Oven H6560:

26:26 Dishwasher G5056:

38:02 Refrigerator KFNF 9955:

HVAC IAQ Mythbusting with Dr. Jeffrey Siegel: Building Performance Podcast #90

Corbett Lunsford

Today we talk with Dr. Jeffrey Siegel about research on residential HVAC, filters, UV lights, electronic air cleaners, mini-splits, humidifiers, and ventilation abroad. For anyone who's interested in HVAC even a little bit. You'll thank yourself if you stay tuned to the end! For more podcasts:

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Water Heater Safety: Combustion Testing and Inspection in a Home Renovation: Healthy Indoors Minute

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett finds an atmospheric draft water heater that's spilling its combustion gases into the home's basement. See the inspection and testing that go into the analysis of how to solve the issue, and learn to protect your clients and your own family in the process. Using a Wohler A450 combustion analyzer, Retrotec DM-32 and Cirrus Wind Indicator, all from

See the 'Home Diagnosis' television series:

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