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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Filtering by Tag: toxic

Gas Stove Reality Check: Why Banning Gas Cooking is Not the Whole Story

Corbett Lunsford

As we've learned, and continue to learn, from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's 'HOMEChem' and 'CASA' experiments (, the chemistry, microbiology, and physics of the indoors is complicated. That's why doing something 'nice' like banning the manufacture or sale of gas cooking ranges might be a misguided step that'll make regulators feel good, but leave us hanging on a TON of other side effects that are still not addressed.

Learn to select and install a kitchen exhaust hood:

See our ultimate kitchen exhaust system:

See Broan's SmartSense Infrared Heat Sensing range hoods:

See AirCycler's RangeRelief make up air controller:

How to Start a Mold Investigation Inexpensively: GOT MOLD? DIY Mold Test Kit

Corbett Lunsford

Our friend, longtime mold inspector Jason Earle has developed an affordable DIY kit for renters, teachers, and anyone else who'd like a quick and easy way to spot check for airborne mold. Here's his background with mold exposure from childhood, and what led him to R&D for this valuable monitoring solution. Check out the kits or order one:

Mold House Tour and Scientific Causes: Disaster Production Home Build in Houston Texas

Corbett Lunsford

Meet our friends Anil and Nilima Mittal- they're suing the biggest production home builder in the USA. With help from Jason Earle, 20-year mold inspection veteran, we tell the story of how this mold disaster of a brand new home began, and how their health has suffered because of it.

This home is at:

8711 Rampart Point Dr

Richmond, TX 77406

Get your own simple mold test:

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Toss Your Black Plastic Kitchen Cookware: It May Have Lead and Flame Retardants Built In

Corbett Lunsford

We talked with University of Toronto researcher Miriam Diamond, and she dropped this bomb. This is not a drill, or a joke. Researchers found LEAD and FLAME RETARDANTS leaching from black plastic cookware of all types, brands, and prices. You simply cannot know if they made it black to hide recycled content or not, and the plastic they use comes partly from recycled electronics- hence the chemicals. We hope you share this tidbit with everyone you know- the manufacturers too please.

How Perfect Can a New Home's Chemistry Get? Healthy Indoors Minute

Corbett Lunsford

Even with their newly-finished home still obviously off-gassing, and with a massive amount of wood finishes and structural materials certainly emitting formaldehyde, this high performance forever home is testing like a decades-old, well-established house as told by chemist Alice Delia of Prism Analytical. Through the selection of low-emitting materials where possible AND 24/7 ventilation of the spaces, the Lunsfords have achieved their goal of a sanctuary with limited chemistry.

Learn a ton more at:

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Test your own home:

Air On Fire: Mindblowing Picture of Your Home's Indoor Chemistry

Corbett Lunsford

It's hard to believe in something you can't see, so let us show it to you. Learn the most basic facts about the chemistry of the air around your face, every minute of every day of your life. Thanks to our 18 show sponsor companies and three dozen Patreon supporters for making this show season possible. Help support our work at: See the show at:

How Hard is our ERV Working? Testing the Chemical Exhaust, Dust Samples, Rugs, and Formaldehyde

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett is testing his family's new high performance home for chemicals- in the dust of the floor, in potential allergens in the (very nice) used rugs they're getting, and even in the exhaust of their energy recovery ventilator (ERV). Thanks to Prism Analytical ( for being ready to give us the full rundown of what the results mean next month- don't forget that ANYONE can do these tests in any scenario- it's not rocket science. Subscribe to Healthy Indoors Magazine and join the online community: This ERV is the SER150 from: Join our Patreon members for behind-the-scenes access and to support our work: See the first-ever TV series about the Science of Homes:

HVAC IAQ Mythbusting with Dr. Jeffrey Siegel: Building Performance Podcast #90

Corbett Lunsford

Today we talk with Dr. Jeffrey Siegel about research on residential HVAC, filters, UV lights, electronic air cleaners, mini-splits, humidifiers, and ventilation abroad. For anyone who's interested in HVAC even a little bit. You'll thank yourself if you stay tuned to the end! For more podcasts:

For those of you who prefer audio only:

Water Heater Safety: Combustion Testing and Inspection in a Home Renovation: Healthy Indoors Minute

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett finds an atmospheric draft water heater that's spilling its combustion gases into the home's basement. See the inspection and testing that go into the analysis of how to solve the issue, and learn to protect your clients and your own family in the process. Using a Wohler A450 combustion analyzer, Retrotec DM-32 and Cirrus Wind Indicator, all from

See the 'Home Diagnosis' television series:

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Headaches of HOMEChem: Chemistry and Microbiology of Homes

Corbett Lunsford

In partnership with Santa Fe Dehumidifiers, we're spreading the word on the intense dynamics going on in homes around the world. I keep it short and sweet in this 45-minute class on indoor chemistry, and you'll learn lots about chemicals, reactions, particles, and microbes, and the relationship to them of humidity and ventilation.

Come train with me in Atlanta, or online:

Learn more from Santa Fe and Ultra-Aire:

How to PROVE You Build a Healthier Home

Corbett Lunsford

Modern homes are not just vulnerable to moisture damage, rot, and microbes- now we also have to worry about the health of the air, and contaminants including viruses. Homeowners are seeking homes with proven safety and breathability- but what does that mean, and how do you deliver it? In this fiery one-hour course, learn key methods for measuring, fixing, and communicating the health of the homes you work on every day.

To learn a LOT MORE, visit our main site:

See the systems developed by Santa Fe and Ultra-Aire:

Watch the first-ever television series about the Science of Homes:

Testing UL Listed Carbon Monoxide Alarms vs. Defender Low Level Upgrade

Corbett Lunsford

You probably completely overestimate what your carbon monoxide alarm is protecting your family from- in this quick 'bump test' demonstration, we prove that your family's immediate death might be prevented, but long term health effects from low level CO poisoning are also a huge issue that literally no one but you can prevent.

Check out the CO alarms we recommend:

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See the first-ever TV series about the Science of Homes: