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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Filtering by Tag: construction

Tips for HVAC Quality Control Targets and Specs for Builders and Contractors

Corbett Lunsford

Controlling a home's performance is pretty simple as an idea: set targets, and verify that they were met. In reality, it's a lot more complex, which is why we need to talk about the foundations for thinking through what quality control methods you'll need to use to achieve your specific goals for the specific home where a specific family will live.

Tips for High Performance Home Floorplan: Designing Out Condensation, Odors, Discomfort, and Hassle

Corbett Lunsford

There are so many simple tricks you can incorporate into a home's layout that will improve performance, including closet orientations, bathtub and toilet locations, mechanical shafts, room arrangements, and useful buffer spaces.

The Restaurant Analogy: How to Level Up Home Improvement & Construction

Corbett Lunsford

From 'HOME DIAGNOSIS' Season 2 Ep13: Aside from simple lack of education (which we and a crowd of our colleagues are trying to fix on YouTube, PBS, and elsewhere), the problems with the building industry are these, as we see it: 1. Low expectations from customers 2. Limited consequences for pros doing it wrong We'll talk about #2 another time, but this video describes very simply how we fix the expectation piece of the problem: by copying restaurant culture. See the whole episode this came from:

Explore the Science of Homes with us- join our team!

Attached Garage: Disaster Waiting to Happen?

Corbett Lunsford

FROM 'HOME DIAGNOSIS' Season 2 Ep6: People generally don't think about the performance of their garage, even when it's directly connected to living space with a door or a duct (or nothing at all like this

But we keep all kinds of toxic stuff in garages, and they're always at the bottom of the living space, so houses, townhomes, and multifamily buildings may suck air partly, or entirely, from the garage in cold weather. Here's a quick explanation of the what/why/where of garage air leakage that could pose a threat to the health of your family. See this entire episode:

Join our team and be a part of our exploration of the Science of Homes:

How Our Family of 5 is Making Season 3 of 'Home Diagnosis' TV

Corbett Lunsford

We need your help- with feedback, support, and video content from home disasters! For those who'd like to chip in as little as $5/month, here's where you can join our team:

Watch the upcoming season and meet the sponsors who are stepping up to help keep this first-ever series about the science of homes going:

We are deep into filming Season 3 of Home Diagnosis, and we wanted to let you know where we're at- we've got a bunch of videos in the pipeline. You might not know, but Corbett edits them himself and so we've got a list of more than a dozen that we're gonna have coming your way.

But we wanted to say a special shout out to our Patreon supporters for being involved, and helping us have a team while we're like so deep into the edit.

The truth is making a TV show is not easy. Especially because funding isn't easy.

And even though we have some companies that really love us, just this coming year there's not funding in their budget for the TV show. So the Patreon members are a huge help, both mentally and financially. And we hang out with them every two weeks, so if you want to get more behind the scenes info on what we just did going through the South Central US, and what we're about to do that Grace is putting the finishing touches on in the Pacific Northwest with our family (we're taking all three of our kids), or going to New York, Toronto, the Carolinas, Miami, Nebraska (the middle of Nebraska- wait till you see what's out there, it's crazy)… anyhow there's a lot that's coming up, and there's a lot of costs that are coming up. So again, thank you so much for being on board with us.

Enjoy these little behind-the-scenes from our Texas trip, and if you want in more deeply, please join us at

Season 3 is called ‘Accidents Happen’ and we're going to go back and forth between natural disasters and man-made building science disasters- and sometimes even critters.

Last thing: we have put this call out to our Patreon members, as far as individual homes and the stories that get woven into Season 3, but if you are a home performance professional- and that includes pest control by the way- we're looking for more video content that nobody has ever seen before.

So if you have videos of crazy crawl spaces or attics, or animal problems, or mold, or fill in the blank, please do get in touch with us, and we will credit you and include the footage on Home Diagnosis Season 3 if it can be woven into the story.

So thanks for being on the adventure in general with us on this channel and at make sure that you comment, if you have things to add or questions to ask, like and subscribe, and tune in next time.

Disasters & Resilience with Matt Risinger: Building Readiness into Homes

Corbett Lunsford

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On our tour shooting 'Home Diagnosis' Season 3, we visited Matt Risinger's Build Show Studio in Austin TX to talk about a recent disaster domino effect, and how he builds resilience into the homes his team builds.

Subscribe to Matt's channel at:

Check out the Build Show at:

Texas freeze footage courtesy of 'Boots and Bonnets with Chris & Christy':

ISS footage courtesy of NASA:

How Perfect Can a New Home's Chemistry Get? Healthy Indoors Minute

Corbett Lunsford

Even with their newly-finished home still obviously off-gassing, and with a massive amount of wood finishes and structural materials certainly emitting formaldehyde, this high performance forever home is testing like a decades-old, well-established house as told by chemist Alice Delia of Prism Analytical. Through the selection of low-emitting materials where possible AND 24/7 ventilation of the spaces, the Lunsfords have achieved their goal of a sanctuary with limited chemistry.

Learn a ton more at:

Subscribe to Healthy Indoors Magazine and join the community:

Test your own home:

Why Do We Build Homes Like This? Matt Risinger on Building Performance Podcast #89

Corbett Lunsford

As part of our upcoming Season Two of 'Home Diagnosis' TV, we sat down with high performance home builder and YouTube celebrity Matt Risinger to discuss the deep-down parts of the home building and contracting industry and this career choice. Hear about the obstacles and conflicts that keep builders from embracing scientific advances, and see a side of Matt you don't often get to see when he's on camera for The Build Show (

Subscribe to Matt's YouTube channel here:

Check out the 'Home Diagnosis' TV series:

Healthy Interior Finishes: Low Chemical Impact, Non-Reactive, Non-Toxic Materials for Homes

Corbett Lunsford

From flooring and cabinetry to drywall and paints, we made a ton of decisions on our new home that affect air quality and the health of our home for our growing family. We go very in-depth here about what exactly we chose, and why, and what the installation was like. For the deep indoor materials investigators, this whole thing is likely a treasure trove. For those of you looking for something specific, here are the highlights:
1:20 Flooring
10:14 Tile
11:19 Cabinetry
12:53 Countertops
15:19 Pecan Trim
19:29 Decorative Surfaces
20:51 Drywall
22:15 Paint
24:08 HomeChem Basics for Decision-Making

Learn more about this whole project at:

Central Vacuum System with HEPA Filter: Performance Testing for a Healthy Home

Corbett Lunsford

For our forever home, we chose the NuTone PurePower 650 central vacuum, which I piped, wired, and installed myself (not very difficult, though parts are hard to get ahold of in a hurry, if you run out).

Check out this system, and other Broan-NuTone machines:

See the Testo 440 kit I'm using for the diagnostics:

The HAVEN central duct system IAQ sensor I flashed to show the effectiveness of the HEPA filter:

Lessons Learned Building High Performance Forever Homes: Factory-Built Modular Home & Self-Build DIY

Corbett Lunsford

For the national home performance conference, we presented side-by-side with our longtime friend and collaborator Bill Spohn ( about our simultaneous building of family forever homes. Pretty different approaches, and yes, this is a long presentation- hope the super nerds out there will enjoy hearing the breakdown.

Find Bill through his company, TruTech Tools:

How to PROVE You Build a Healthier Home

Corbett Lunsford

Modern homes are not just vulnerable to moisture damage, rot, and microbes- now we also have to worry about the health of the air, and contaminants including viruses. Homeowners are seeking homes with proven safety and breathability- but what does that mean, and how do you deliver it? In this fiery one-hour course, learn key methods for measuring, fixing, and communicating the health of the homes you work on every day.

To learn a LOT MORE, visit our main site:

See the systems developed by Santa Fe and Ultra-Aire:

Watch the first-ever television series about the Science of Homes: