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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Filtering by Tag: home

ERV for Bath Exhaust & in Cold Climates: FAIL or WIN from the Ventilation Manufacturers

Corbett Lunsford

Hear it from the people who manufacture fresh air systems, not just from me. ERVs are for very airtight homes (under 2ach50) to balance the exhaust air from pollution sources inside. Download our universal ventilation layout concept at:

Thanks to:
Nick Agopian, Renewaire (
Travis Rasch, Broan-Nutone (
Bruno Poitras, Fantech (
Ken Nelson, Panasonic (
Szabi Fekete, Zehnder (

1:16 Continuity of Balanced Ventilation
2:23 Sizing Considerations
3:36 International Mechanical Code Minimum for Continuous Ventilation Airflow
5:04 Boost Mode
6:27 ERVs in Cold Climates
10:12 ERV vs. Dehumidifier

Watch the first-ever TV series about the Science of Homes:

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Basement in Florida? Why Mold Took 20 Years to Fail this House...

Corbett Lunsford

A very cool client of ours named Niko came to us with a wildly different home issue- a finished basement. In Florida. That's vented to the outdoors. Watch us tour the home being renovated with Tony Gomes, my Tampa go-to-guy for advanced diagnostics on existing homes. We explore how it's possible that mold was held at bay for 20 years, until Niko did a 'good' thing and replaced an old HVAC system with a VRF (variable capacity) heat pump.

Find the brilliant Tony Gomes and Faraday Energy in Tampa Bay at:

Test your home for airborne mold with this easy kit:

Mold House Tour and Scientific Causes: Disaster Production Home Build in Houston Texas

Corbett Lunsford

Meet our friends Anil and Nilima Mittal- they're suing the biggest production home builder in the USA. With help from Jason Earle, 20-year mold inspection veteran, we tell the story of how this mold disaster of a brand new home began, and how their health has suffered because of it.

This home is at:

8711 Rampart Point Dr

Richmond, TX 77406

Get your own simple mold test:

Become supporters of our work, just like Anil, and join our Patreon group for as little as $5/month!


ERV Setup Testing/Commissioning, Using Pressure Curves to Measure Airflow

Corbett Lunsford

Using a Renewaire SL70 energy recovery ventilator and a TEC DG-8 pressure gauge, Corbett demonstrates how to set the low and high speeds on an airtight home's balanced ventilation system.

See this ERV line at:

Get the DG-8 to test your own stuff:

Ventilation design course:

Automatic Ventilation Control with Broan-Nutone's Overture: Customizable, Modular Fresh Air System

Corbett Lunsford

Places are different, homes are different, families are different. There IS NO SINGLE SOLUTION for ventilation, and that's the way it's likely to stay- so the more modular, customizable components we have access to, the better.

In addition to having some of the most advanced ERVs in the world (stay tuned for more on that), Broan has now made customized, modular ventilation systems much more practical with this lineup of Overture controls: room sensor, wall control, and smart plug- all linked to the algorithms in an app.

The Overture system can control exhaust fans, supply fans, make up air dampers, and ERVs/HRVs- we hope they will continue to push forward into controlling air handlers, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, and more. Learn more about this system and start brainstorming what you might do with it at:

Learn more about our TinyLab:

Watch the build of our Forever Home:

See the first-ever TV series about the Science of Homes:

Filterless Air Cleaners Make No Sense: Airfree Lotus Air Purifier

Corbett Lunsford

Honestly, it's starting to piss us off that some of these marketing teams are combining their shocking lack of understanding of what they're selling, with an assumption that their customers won't be able to understand it either. Let's fix that right now, starting with this Airfree Lotus 'filterless air purifier'. Oh, and they make one specifically for baby rooms too, if this wasn't dumb enough already.

If you need cleaner air, use good filters, or dilute with outdoor air using something as simple and affordable as an AirCycler:

Join our team and be part of our work!

Bath Fan and Duct Inspection Tips for Restoration After a House Fire

Corbett Lunsford

Our friend Shawn had a fire disaster last year, and though it’s a terrible loss he’s helping us and our audience learn from the experience. Here’s a quick preview of what will be coming in Season 3 of Home Diagnosis. Here we point out two things to watch out for- one good, one bad. Easy to inspect a construction site if you know how things are supposed to work! And Shawn’s awesome fitness hammers can be seen at:

Whole Home Depressurization: Worst Case 'Thanksgiving Day' Scenario for Pressure Imbalances

Corbett Lunsford

From 'Home Diagnosis' Season 2 ep7: It's important to test how much suction your home can create with the machines and duct systems built into it- is it sucking hard enough to create unhealthy contaminant or moisture problems for your family? Here's a quick look at the 'Thanksgiving Day scenario' we worry about in homes new and old. See this entire episode:

Join our Patreon team and be part of our exploration of the Science of Homes:

Attached Garage: Disaster Waiting to Happen?

Corbett Lunsford

FROM 'HOME DIAGNOSIS' Season 2 Ep6: People generally don't think about the performance of their garage, even when it's directly connected to living space with a door or a duct (or nothing at all like this

But we keep all kinds of toxic stuff in garages, and they're always at the bottom of the living space, so houses, townhomes, and multifamily buildings may suck air partly, or entirely, from the garage in cold weather. Here's a quick explanation of the what/why/where of garage air leakage that could pose a threat to the health of your family. See this entire episode:

Join our team and be a part of our exploration of the Science of Homes:

Intro to Modular Homes: Alternative House Construction with Bill Spohn

Corbett Lunsford

From episode 205 of ‘Home Diagnosis’- Bill Spohn gives a quick demonstration of the process of having his forever home built in a factory and assembed onsite. Thanks to for the awesome video footage of Bill’s build.

Join our Patreon membership and help shape the stories on this channel and on this show:

Static Pressure Testing for Home HVAC: What, Why, and How in 2 Minutes

Corbett Lunsford

If the ductwork of an HVAC system is not designed, installed, and maintained properly, your home may start to have problems in comfort, humidity control, dust, noise, and equipment failure. Here's the basics you should understand before asking your HVAC installer or service tech to run static pressure testing. From 'Home Diagnosis' episode 209- watch the whole episode:

Join our Patreon membership and get behind the scenes with us making the next season of the show!

Tools used are Retrotec DM-32 gauge and Minneapolis 300 blower door, available at:

Why Do We Build Homes Like This? Matt Risinger on Building Performance Podcast #89

Corbett Lunsford

As part of our upcoming Season Two of 'Home Diagnosis' TV, we sat down with high performance home builder and YouTube celebrity Matt Risinger to discuss the deep-down parts of the home building and contracting industry and this career choice. Hear about the obstacles and conflicts that keep builders from embracing scientific advances, and see a side of Matt you don't often get to see when he's on camera for The Build Show (

Subscribe to Matt's YouTube channel here:

Check out the 'Home Diagnosis' TV series: