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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Filtering by Tag: tiny house

Loft Railing in a Tiny House on Wheels: RailFX on the TinyLab Stairs

Corbett Lunsford

BIG THANKS TO MY MOM AND DAD FOR ALL THEIR HELP WITH THIS ONE! Our 210 sq ft high performance tiny house on wheels ( has never had a loft and stair railing because we couldn't figure out how to make it beautiful AND safe AND low maintenance. Now that the cable railing is in from RailFX (, the house is ready for our 3 kids and for overnight guests!

See the entire TinyLab playlist here:

Watch the first-ever TV series about the Science of Homes, starring this tiny house:

Tiny House Building Science Basics

Corbett Lunsford

1. Tell us about the TinyLab:

Our #TinyLab is a 210 sq. ft. house on wheels we designed and built ourselves to be the best performing home most people have ever seen. It’s supremely airtight, quiet, and comfortable, while also being equipped with the best heating, cooling, and ventilation systems in the world. We’re showing Americans how home performance works with our non-profit Proof Is Possible Tour. There’s this mythology around houses that ‘they all have problems, that’s just how they are’; it’s just not true.

2. How did the TinyLab start?

Well, the dynamics of home performance are based in physics, which is tough to explain- our colleagues have been trying for decades. But these dynamics can have real consequences for your family- they can cause sickness or even death. We thought, ‘how can we show consumers home performance?’ The #TinyLab is what all homes could evolve to be, whether they’re big or small. It’s a critical time for this, since building codes in all 50 states are requiring performance testing.

3. What are the major findings between the relationship of health and homes?

Two major health problems anyone can find out themselves for starters: dampness and carbon monoxide (CO). The symptoms of CO poisoning are ‘flu-like’, but ask yourself how many times you’ve been to the doctor with ‘flu-like’ symptoms and ever been tested for CO poisoning (never, say most people). And though we know dampness causes mold, mildew, dust mites, etc, do we think about what causes dampness? It’s usually air leakage- air leakage is the single biggest problem in most homes.

4. How do you protect yourself from carbon monoxide poisoning?

The only way to be sure is to test. Whole-home performance testing can prove if your gas stove, water heater, furnace, or fireplace are exhausting properly and creating very little CO. We have a Defender ‘low-level’ monitor in the TinyLab. Your normal CO detector won’t always protect you. If it’s what’s called ‘UL-listed’ then it specifically will NOT protect children, pregnant women, ill or elderly people from low-level carbon monoxide poisoning. And it says so right in the manual. Crazy.

5. What are 5 tips you have for any homeowner/ renter reading this?

One: Your home is a system of interacting parts, so anyone who says one product can fix it is lying or naïve. Two: Proof is Possible- act on diagnostic proof before you undertake surgery on your home and before you pay your contractors for measured improvements. Three: airtightness is good- don’t let anyone tell you we should build crappy houses that can ‘breathe’ through the cracks. Four: ventilation is critical- take stale air out, bring fresh air in. Five: Our YouTube channel is called ‘Home Performance’- you can learn tips 6 through 1000 there.

6. What specific diagnostics are recommended for homes?

Great question! Blower door testing is most important- our TinyLab’s test proves that as first-time homebuilders, we achieved the most airtight standard in the world (that’s what makes it so quiet in here). Infrared thermal photos prove our insulation works. Pressure testing proves our home is not sucking air back in through exhaust fans or chimneys. Airflow testing proves our HVAC system’s working as designed. Air quality tests prove our family isn’t being poisoned. Proof is possible. Ask for it.

To learn more about your home’s performance, download the free ‘GeniusBooklet’ at:

To see the #TinyLab as it travels across the U.S. on the Proof Is Possible Tour, see the schedule at:

How to Clean a Composting Toilet

Corbett Lunsford

'Home Diagnosis' co-hosts Corbett and Grace have gotten hundreds of questions about the bathroom in their tiny house on wheels, and 'how it all works'. This. This is how it works. Feast your brain on some serious pee and poop management demonstrations. Not for the faint of heart.

Tiny House Reality: Ants, Cats, and Kids

Corbett Lunsford

Wonder what it's like to live in a 200 sq ft single room that's always being cleaned because it's sticky and/or wet from two amazing toddlers and two charming cats, while building a big house and making a television show and trying to make money too? Here. Here you go.

Teaser for Home Diagnosis Season 1 (eps 3-6)

Corbett Lunsford

See bits of four episodes from Home Diagnosis Season 1! More at:

Q&A: Home Performance for Tiny Houses

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett does a live Q&A with students of his 'Home Performance for Tiny Spaces' course. More at:

Tiny House Plumbing Puzzle Took 2 Years to Solve

Grace McPhillips

The #TinyLab's plumbing system is highly efficient for water, electricity, and propane use, but it turns out that efficiency reduces the control over water temperature during different seasons. Corbett FINALLY solved the conundrum theoretically- but are the products available in the plumbing department going to perform as advertised?

Combustion Testing the #TinyLab

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett checks the flue gas temperature, contaminant makeup, and efficiency of the tankless water heater in the #TinyLab with a new Wohler A450. Learn more and order this tool at:

Home Performance Mastermind Minute: WEEK 2

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett knows every Mastermind needs Master Plans, but overthinking doesn't do anyone any good. Learn to recognize when you're over-planning and expecting yourself to gain too much knowledge, skill, equipment, or personnel to make Mastery practical!

Keynote on Home Performance and Building Diagnostics

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett Lunsford delivered several keynote addresses in 2016 on building and touring the #TinyLab, home performance testing mastery, and how the construction and home improvement industry is evolving to incorporate proof of performance. You can watch this recording, delivered at the 2016 InfraMation conference in Las Vegas.

Corbett's Conversation with Stephen Rardon, HVAC Guru

Grace McPhillips

Stephen Rardon, HVAC expert extraordinaire, came to the #TinyLab to talk about home performance, HVAC testing, and being a world-class consultant to homeowner and builder clients alike!

If you haven't already, CHECK OUT STEPHEN'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL- his is twice the size and following of ours!