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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

High Performance HVAC Systems Preview

Corbett Lunsford

Now that the Mitsubishi heat pumps, Ultra-Aire dehumidifiers, and Fantech ventilation systems are onsite, Corbett gives a sneak peek at how they all fit together with the upcoming Fanimation fans and Kichler low-heat lighting to tune the indoor environment.

More on this build at:

How (and Why) to Wrap a House in Continuous Insulation: Rockwool ComfortBoard

Corbett Lunsford

To control a home's heat bleed, noise pollution, and moisture issues, making the enclosure continuously insulated helps a lot, especially with a rain screen incorporated. See the details on how Rockwool (aka Roxul) ComfortBoard 80 is installed on our home.

To see the cost-benefit computer model that explains the energy side, watch this:

More on this build at:

Check out Rockwool options at:

See 475 High Performance Building Supply tapes at:

How to Attach a Deck with Exterior Insulation: Maine Deck Bracket

Corbett Lunsford

We researched details on attaching a deck securely without sacrificing insulation continuity, and even consulted with Matt Risinger, until we happened on a solution we loved- funny enough, the makers of the Maine Deck Bracket don't even target high performance homes with exterior insulation in their advertising. But it's exactly what we were looking for.

Learn more about the Deck Bracket at:

More on this build at:

Science of Home Quarantine Pt 1: COVID-19 Pandemic Medical/Chemical Impacts Indoors

Corbett Lunsford

Please consider supporting our work in the frontier of making the science of homes mainstream at:

If we were guinea pigs for indoor chemistry and home performance dynamics before this Coronavirus pandemic, how much more so now that we're all spending almost 100% of our time inside our homes? In this first part of a three-part series with Healthy Indoors Magazine, hear a discussion of the home performance dynamic impacts this quarantine period is having on us all.

Featuring Dr. Michelle Sanborn, MD, Joe Medosch of Hayward Score (, Dr. Delphine Farmer PhD of HOMEChem, and Bob Krell of Healthy Indoors.

Resource 1: Ventilation can be as effective as mitigating as vaccination coverage of 50% to 60%!

Resource 2: Is low indoor humidity a driver for healthcare-associated infections?

Resource 3: How Long Will Coronavirus Live on Surfaces or in the Air Around You?

Resource 4: Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1

Resource 5: Why Soap Works

In Part Two of our three-part panel discussion, hear a sometimes very in-the-weeds exploration of the community impacts within our buildings. Featuring public health specialist Dr. David Krause, PhD (, indoor environmental expert Scott Armour (, HVAC investigator and hygienist Tim Hebert (, and Bob Krell of Healthy Indoors.

The final session in this panel discussion series from March 19, 2020 dives pretty deeply into technical niches of cleaning and disinfecting commercial, industrial, and healthcare facilities. Featuring IAQ and retrocommissioning expert Kristofer Anderson, PE , outbreak and chemical expert Cole Stanton (, and building investigator Bob Krell.

See the first-ever TV series about the science of homes at:

Subscribe to Healthy Indoors Magazine at:

Assess your home's health at:

Podcast #86: COVID-19 and the Science of Home Quarantine

Corbett Lunsford

In this special episode, Corbett teams up with Healthy Indoors Magazine to bring you a panel of experts discussing the science of 100% of people staying at home 100% of the time.

Featuring public health expert Dr. Michelle Sanborn, MD, environmental chemist Delphine Farmer, and indoor environmental consultants Bob Krell of Healthy Indoors and Joe Medosch from Hayward Score.

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Get your home's health assessed right now, for free, at:

Subscribe to Healthy Indoors right now, for free, at:

Building Science of the Stone Age in the Amazon Rain Forest

Corbett Lunsford

From Serbian building scientist Atila Novoselac (Prof. Civil, Arch, and Env Engineering at University of Texas-Austin) comes reflections on a Sloan study of microbiology in homes from the Stone Age, which are still constructed today in the Amazon rain forest. Hear what makes modern homes different from someone who's been to the other side, and why modernization itself can be a major building performance problem.

Watch this entire series:

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Learn more about HOMEChem:

Watch the first-ever TV series about the science of homes:

Bath Exhaust Fans: What You Need to Know

Corbett Lunsford

'Home Diagnosis' TV hosts Grace and Corbett Lunsford give a crash course in picking, placing, testing, and controlling bath exhaust fans. Learn what Home Ventilating Institute certification, sone ratings, Energy Star stickers and duct installs are all about, and make your home healthier. Learn more at: Watch 'Home Diagnosis' episodes at:

Water Purification and Plumbing Monitoring

Corbett Lunsford

Now that the house is dried in, hear Grace talk with Erik Bernal ( and Ann Reynolds ( talk through the major components of the fresh water supply system. Learn more about this build at:

Indoor Chemistry Test: Formaldehyde and VOCs during Construction

Corbett Lunsford

Modern homes are built more airtight than ever, and the engineered wood products that make such efficient use of our planet's materials also lean much more heavily on advances in adhesives, curing agents, moisture repellants, etc. Other building materials nowadays incorporate anti-microbial chemicals, anti-fungal and anti-termite compounds, and who knows what else (manufacturers DO NOT have to tell us what's in there, yet). The beyond-passive-house-airtight house we're building in Atlanta is an extreme example of all of this, and we'll happily be the guinea pigs to uncover the evolution of indoor chemistry from rough construction through ventilation activation, and move-in. Hayward Score has introduced us to a serious chemistry lab, Prism Analytical Technologies ( where we'll be sending the samples we take in this video. See what we're testing for, why, and how it's done.

Corbett gets serious details about indoor chemistry from Dr. Alice Delia, Laboratory Director at Prism Analytical Technologies ( about the test results from 6 samples of formaldehyde and Volatile Organic Compounds taken at the new build and the TinyLab.

Check out Healthy Indoors Magazine:

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Assess your home's health with Hayward Score:

Bubble Experiment with a Blower Door

Corbett Lunsford

To try and seal the last nasty little leaks in the Mento 3000 roof membrane, Corbett and his Dad try an experiment using soapy water and a flipped-around Retrotec blower door.

How the rain screen was installed:

How the Mento 3000 was installed:

Learn more at:

3 Simple Home ventilation methods tested

Corbett Lunsford

'Home Diagnosis' co-host Corbett Lunsford visits the home of Jason Wolfson, inventor of AirCycler, to discuss and test the 3 simplest, quickest methods to ventilate any home: exhaust only (1:26), supply only (5:02), and exhaust + supply (8:51) using a G2 controller. Tested using the Testo 440 kit from TruTech Tools.

Learn more about AirCycler controls:

Calculate any home's ventilation at:

Get your hands on tools at:

Read the testing manual:

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