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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Psychology and High Performance Homes

Corbett Lunsford

Even when you build a perfectly performing house, your client may feel like the house is exacerbating sickness. Know that a huge part of home performance contracting is knowing your way around psychology and adult education- express yourself with performance testing data AND with listening and emotional connection.

Building Science is Evolving: Healthy Indoors Minute #2

Corbett Lunsford

Home Diagnosis co-host Corbett Lunsford illustrates the basics of control over indoor air quality and indoor chemistry in the second video collaboration with Healthy Indoors Magazine. Informed by all we're learning from the HOMEChem Experiment. Learn more at:

Building Science Podcast features HOMEChem

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett and Kristof Irwin from Positive Energy Austin dive deep into the revolution that's brewing. Building Science will never be the same after the HOMEChem Experiment shows us the 4-dimensional chess game that's happening at a molecular level inside every building and vehicle in the world.

Subscribe to the Building Science Podcast on iTunes or any other podcast platform. More at:

The Nasty Side Effects of Chlorine Bleach in Homes

Corbett Lunsford

Chlorine is an ingredient in bleach, which many people use to clean surfaces, dishes, and clothing at home. Turns out, it's not as clean as we thought- learn how to control your HOMEChem by knowing what happens when chrlorine in bleach reacts with the stuff indoors, and what it might be doing to your family.

Featuring HOMEChem scientists Marina Vance, Delphine Farmer, and Richard Corsi.

More at:

Hydroxyl Radical: the Don Juan of HOMEChem

Corbett Lunsford

Once ozone bonds with anything in your living space, it has a very bad baby- Hydroxyl Radical (OH). This sweaty, groping molecule is the drunken fratboy (with cargo shorts around his ankles) of the HOMEChem world. Featuring HOMEChem scientists Marina Vance, Delphine Farmer, and Charlie Weschler.

More at:

OZONE: the Original Villain of Indoor Chemistry

Corbett Lunsford

Indoor Air Quality is being explored at breakneck speed with the HOMEChem Experiment, and not surprisingly, ozone (O3) is proving to be the original villain in the complex system of interactions that make the air we breathe much more worrisome than anyone guessed. Featuring HOMEChem scientists Marina Vance, Delphine Farmer, Charlie Weschler, and Richard Corsi.

More at:

IAQ Sensors: Human Nose vs. Mass Spectrometer

Corbett Lunsford

Charlie Weschler sits down with Grace and Corbett and gives fascinating examples of the complexity of indoor air chemistry. He is an air quality legend, a professor on 3 continents, and one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. More at:

5 Kinds of Ventilation for HOMEChem Control

Corbett Lunsford

Ventilation is simple in concept- it moves bad air out and good air in. But the applications can be intensely confusing- Grace and Corbett help peel the onion of controlling home performance dynamics (and the HOMEChem issues we're learning more and more about) using fans and controls available around the world.

Featured systems are AirCycler, Fantech, Broan-Nutone, RenewAire and Ultra-Aire.

More at:


Heroes of HOMEChem: Marina Vance, Environmental Engineer

Corbett Lunsford

Meet Dr. Marina Vance, the Skeptic of HOMEChem. More at: Dr. Vance's research is focused on air quality, particularly on measuring emissions and understanding the dynamics of aerosols in the context of ambient and indoor air quality.