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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Active vs. Passive Ventilation: Why Spend $$ on Fresh Air?

Corbett Lunsford

Thanks to subscriber Big O for challenging us on this question: Why are windows no longer good enough? Here's at least four reasons why, installed in our own performance-tuned home. Learn more about these and all the other awesome systems we used to build this house at:

Check out Healthy Indoors Magazine:

Thanks to our Patreon supporters for keeping our work going strong:

Indoor Chemistry Across Continents and Decades

Corbett Lunsford

In this around the world episode, we explore indoor chemistry in homes on 3 continents, and how to control it. Featuring the amazing Dr. Charles Weschler, a researcher and professor at Rutgers University in the U.S. and Tsinghua University in Beijing, as well as Technical University of Denmark.

Learn more about chemicals to avoid at:

See the first-ever TV series about building science at:

Forever Deck Railings from RailFX: Science + DIY

Corbett Lunsford

See the science behind our forever home's railings, through the installation by my parents and our interview with David Lord, Engineer and Project Manager for RailFX. See more about our forever home's design and progress at:

Become a member and help support our work exploring the Science of Homes:

Forever Home Product Preview

Corbett Lunsford

Welcome to the final sprint to the finish on this scientifically incredible forever home of ours. Here's what's to come in this last 3 months of our family build (product highlights linked below).

Kichler Lighting:



Miele Appliances:

Elite Water Systems:

CBP Tile System:

Thermory Wood:

Mitsubishi HVAC:

Fantech Ventilation:

Ultra-Aire Dehumidifiers:

TZOA Haven:

Chronomite Water Heaters:

Comparetto DIY Air Cleaner Filtration Rig

Corbett Lunsford

My friend Neil Comparetto came up with a very effective, very inexpensive way to clean air for less than $100. It's not fancy, but it works as well or better than many high-end air purifiers and filtration products 'they' are trying to sell you. The important thing is that it's a fan and a filter, which is all you should ask for in an air purifying device- nothing that 'destroys', 'eliminates', or 'sanitizes' using 'electronics', 'UV', or 'plasma'. Neil Comparetto's a great HVAC expert if you happen to be in Virginia:

Subscribe to Healthy Indoors Magazine:

Take my Crash Course in the Science of Homes:

4 Year Old Tests Home Air Leakage

Corbett Lunsford

My daughter can find out whether your house will perform well or not- but I got to be her first client. She runs our Retrotec 5000 up to 50Pa and shows off how awesomely airtight our family's forever home will be for the next 100 years.

Get the book on testing homes:

See more about the inner airtightness system:

More about blower door systems:

Performance Duct Design & Installation: Advanced DIY

Corbett Lunsford

In our LONGEST VIDEO YET, get a comprehensive tour of the concepts, design, tools, and install tips that go into building a home's breathing apparatus- the central duct system. Here I get into both the conditioning duct system (heat pump/dehumidifier/filtration loop) and the ERV fresh air ventilation duct system.

Thanks to Neil Comparetto ( John Semmelhack ( and Bryan Orr ( and many other HVAC pro friends for their continual advice and expertise.

I got all my Malco tools used here at:

Check out my awesome ride, the Aerocreeper:

Check out all of Stellar Engraving's duct grilles:

Learn more about the HVAC design process:

Get consulting or training with Corbett:

Healthy Homes for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Corbett Lunsford

Tonight I interviewed Corinne Segura (, one of my Mastermind students who helps people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (aka MCS, or Environmental Sensitivity), which she also suffers from herself. We discuss how home building and home improvements need to adapt to people with this condition, applied specifically to the TinyLab and our new 3,000 sq ft house that's almost finished.

Learn tons more at Corinne's blog:

Read more about making your indoors healthier at:

Check out my Mastermind Course:

Support our work on the Science of Homes:

See the 'Home Diagnosis' TV series:

HOMEChem 101 and the Basic Science of Homes

Corbett Lunsford

Presented in partnership with our friends at Santa Fe and Ultra-Aire Dehumidifiers. Understand the underlying dynamics that make a home healthy or unhealthy by learning the basic physics, chemistry, and microbiology happening all around us inside homes.

Get the book at:

Watch the TV series:

Deep Dive into Interior Airsealing & Insulation

Corbett Lunsford

After we airsealed and insulated our family home from the exterior, we kept going with the details shown in this 30 min video, using airsealing systems from 475 High Performance Building Supply including Intello Plus membrane and Vana tape, with Rockwool cavity insulation (aka Roxul).

Please support our work and become a member at:

See all about this house at:

Newest DET Verifier Certified in Georgia!

Corbett Lunsford

Never taught a DET Verifier training for one before- this should be interesting!

Never taught a DET Verifier training for one before- this should be interesting!

In a customized 1-on-1 COVID-adapted class, Corbett Lunsford trained, examined and certified Treondras Manning, HVAC technician and Georgia’s newest certified Duct and Envelope Testing (DET) Verifier. As a DET Verifier, Treondras is certified to perform blower door tests and duct tightness testing on new construction and renovations in the state of Georgia. He is also one of Corbett’s Mastermind students, and is helping homeowners in the Atlanta area tune the air quality, comfort, durability and energy efficiency of their homes with his building science and diagnostics expertise.

DET Verifier Trainees are taught the accepted blower door and duct leakage test protocols from the book ‘Home Performance Diagnostics: the Guide to Advanced Testing’ written by trainer Corbett Lunsford

DET Verifier Trainees are taught the accepted blower door and duct leakage test protocols from the book ‘Home Performance Diagnostics: the Guide to Advanced Testing’ written by trainer Corbett Lunsford

Treondras Manning, right before he received his well-deserved certification as a Georgia certified DET Verifier

Treondras Manning, right before he received his well-deserved certification as a Georgia certified DET Verifier

Watch DET Verifier Treondras Manning test Corbett’s heat pump cabinet for duct leakage in the high performance house his family is building.