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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

Filtering by Tag: energy efficiency

Building Science in Alaska: Home Energy Minute

Corbett Lunsford

Home Diagnosis co-host Corbett Lunsford interviews Griffin Hagle, building science expert, housing authority leader, and journalist, about controlling home performance in northernmost coastal Alaska.

Follow Griffin on Instagram:

Read 35 year's worth of home performance articles at:

Join the Building Performance Association at:

Episode 2 Peek: Home Diagnosis Season 2

Corbett Lunsford

Become a member and help make the show!

Grace and Corbett invite you to participate in making history with season 2 of 'Home Diagnosis' the first science-centered home show on television.

Performance Testing with Obsessed Garage, Ep1-5

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett traveled from Atlanta to Orlando to help Matt Moreman of Obsessed Garage get all the spec's on his 4000 sq. ft. house. See the blower door setup, 3D modeling, kitchen exhaust hood pressure testing, and inspection of the home's exterior and attic in preparation for the Vitals Checkup package:

Next, we run the blower door depressurization and pressurization tests, and the beginnings of infrared thermography and zonal pressure testing across the house:

We continue going beyond the traditional 'energy audit' performance testing to create a prioritized map of home improvements to control comfort, moisture, air quality, energy efficiency and durability:

Time for home improvement conclusions and recommendations for Matt's family, including air sealing, duct sealing, and equalization of heat flow in rooms of the house:

As Matt plans for his future headquarters for Obsessed Garage, Corbett starts the energy consulting process for controlling all the invisible dynamics of the building: heat bleed, airflow and pressure, moisture, and air quality:

Free Homeowner Course in College Park, GA

Corbett Lunsford

More Insulation? NO.
HVAC Replacement? NOPE.
New Windows? PLEASE STOP IT.


How to PROVE You Got What You Paid For in Home Improvements and New Construction

Includes a free copy of ‘How to Keep an Eye on Your New Home Construction or Home Improvement’

Tues. Nov. 7, 6-8pm
Woodward Academy Chapel
1600 Rugby Avenue
College Park, GA

Corbett Lunsford built the world’s highest performance tiny house on wheels, but it’s not because he’s a great builder. He’s an idiot- just ask him. The reason he could create a home that feels perfectly comfortable, smells great, and sounds quiet all the time is that he’s learned to think about the physics of home performance, and measure it. And he wants to pass along what he’s learned so you never feel like you wasted money guessing- Proof Is Possible through the ‘magic’ of performance testing like infrared, blower door, and HVAC diagnostics.

Whether you’re planning home improvements, trying to solve a mystery house problem, or buying or building a home, you will learn a ton in this crash course from one of the world’s experts on the topic. Bring any and all questions about your particular home, and get your hands on high-tech testing tools!


  • Explore your home through the lens of the #TinyLab (which housed 3 people and 2 cats on a 13k mile tour)
  • Understand the physics of home performance, and predict problems before they happen
  • Control the way your home feels, smells, and sounds using the latest technology and materials
  • Ensure your home isn’t poisoning or endangering your family
  • Make better investments in home upgrades


#TinyLab Teaches the Hamptons Home Performance

Corbett Lunsford

PSEG Long Island brought the Proof Is Possible Tour's #TinyLab and Green Jobs Training Center's Building Science Training Lab to East Hampton and Montauk, and here's what happened! Video produced by Geir Magnusson at Nice Studios- thanks also to Bill Sullivan, the man who made the whole thing happen!

Airsealing Membranes and Tape for the #TinyLab

Corbett Lunsford

Home performance guru Corbett Lunsford explains 475 Building Supply's Intello air barrier with vapor variable control. See how you can ensure control over drafts, condensation, and air quality problems. Feel the difference yourself on the Proof Is Possible Tour!

'Home Diagnosis' Finally Puts Home Performance Testing on Mainstream TV

Corbett Lunsford

Grace and I have been trying to make a TV show about home performance testing for years- we've tried three times so far!  This is how it works traditionally:

  1. You get a network executive to want to see you as a couple onscreen because they think you're quirky or weird or otherwise compelling in a I-can't-look-away kind of way
  2. You work with a production company and pay out of your own pocket to shoot a 'sizzle reel' that shows off the personality of the hosts
  3. You remind yourself and everyone else that your show is about SCIENCE, not about relationship drama and being quirky or weird
  4. They remind you that no one cares about the topic in reality TV
  5. You feel frustrated and you throw the whole idea in the garbage because you don't want to play their stupid game

So we've decided to make the show ourselves, without asking anyone's permission. We find that works best for us- whether self-publishing a book (Home Performance Diagnostics) or making a feature film (The Other One), it always seems to work perfectly when we don't have someone breathing down our neck to conform to 'the way things get done around here normally.' Here's the show that will actually make it onto mainstream television: HOME DIAGNOSIS.

In 2014, we pushed hard for a show called PRESCRIPTION HOME PERFORMANCE to get made, but it went exactly nowhere. We went to the national RealScreen Summit, a non-fiction television programming conference (yeah, I know!), met with all kinds of networks to pitch the idea, and finally had Science Channel interested until they finally said, "wait, we don't want to compete with HGTV." And that was that. But you can still see what the show was like here:

And way back in 2009, we worked with our friends and client Sandy Gordon to make OUR GREEN COMPANY, which resulted in all of us being told by the Discovery Green channel that 'green' was a fad. Look at these kids- so young, so fresh, and maybe clueless!

Stay tuned for developments on HOME DIAGNOSIS- at the very least, it'll show on PBS just like This Old House does, and at most, it'll be running 24 hours a day on every channel there is.  Probably it'll be somewhere in between!

If you'd like to participate in the making of this show, please reach out to us about it!

PODCAST #56 UNDERWATER BUILDINGS: Italian Building Scientists on Venezia's Age-Old Challenges

Corbett Lunsford

Today we talk with Piercarlo Romagnoni and Francesca Cappelletti of the Architectural Institute of Venice (IUAV) about seawater vs. brick, mold vs. air quality, and beauty vs. function in a city that's been dealing with it elegantly for 500 years. Hosted by Corbett Lunsford and sponsored by the bible for home performance testing.

To download this episode or hear more, subscribe in iTunes or visit


PODCAST #54 HOW BUILDERS THINK: Chase Ming on the Secret Sauce for Buildings and Clients

Corbett Lunsford

Today we talk with Chase Ming of All Development in Alabama about how to use overcommunication to make more money doing better work for happier clients. A real builder doing real business with real clients, in a state that's just starting the journey into performance codes.

To download this episode or hear more, subscribe in iTunes or visit


PODCAST #51 WHAT GREEN'S REALLY WORTH: Appraisal Expert Sandra Adomatis on The Bottom Line

Corbett Lunsford

Today we talk with Sandra Adomatis, Appraisal Institute's green valuation expert and author of Residential Green Valuation Tools, about greening the MLS, swimming pool ROI, and the future of appraiser apprenticeship (which, yikes).

To download this episode or hear more, subscribe in iTunes or visit


PODCAST #50 WEST SIDE, BABY! A Bunch of Californian Rockstars Show Us What's Behind the Curtain

Corbett Lunsford

To download this episode or hear more, subscribe in iTunes or visit
