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3398 Washington Road
Atlanta, GA 30344


Advanced residential construction and home improvement consulting and owner's advocacy in Atlanta, using the latest building performance diagnostic and modeling techniques and tools. Airtightness, insulation, HVAC, ventilation, moisture, and air quality and EMF consulting for homeowners and building professionals alike.


Home performance articles and stories from the field with internationally respected building forensics guru Corbett Lunsford at the Building Performance Workshop. Hear new episodes of the Building Performance Podcast, see new videos from the Home Performance YouTube channel, and learn all about how diagnostic testing (more than an 'Energy Audit') can make home improvement and new home construction a proven process!

High Performance Crawlspace Walls

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett, Grace, and their crew of awesome nerds pour a high performance crawlspace foundation wall and totally skip the slump test, on purpose, which they know will get a lot of loving kindness in the comments section.

More at:

Geotechnical Engineering for Foundation Footings: Dirt Performance and 4-in-1 Form-A-Drain

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett hired Geoff Hebner of Padstone Geotechnical Engineering to ensure the house being built will stand for a hundred years or more.

In part 2, Corbett shows the grading and leveling process with 6-8" lifts and 4x compaction using a remote-controlled trench roller.

In Part 3, Geoff returns to run a simple geotechnical test on the compacted dirt before pouring concrete, and Corbett finds out he's not as slick as he hopes.

FINALLY, we get to pour the concrete once the footings are finished with rebar, and well-supported per Geoff’s geotech engineering specs.

Learn more about this build at:

Kitchen Exhaust Fan: #1 Tool to Heal Your HOMEChem

Corbett Lunsford

Grace and Corbett Lunsford demonstrate the best way to design and select your kitchen exhaust system, using the #TinyLab's own Broan ventilation components. The ACE130SS range hood (new model BCSEK1SS) paired with the 8" Make-Up Air Unit means perfect control over the indoor environment, the chemistry, and the health of their family.

More resources and tools at:

15,000 lbs of Rockwool Insulation: Crossfit Challenge

Corbett Lunsford

Maybe you've seen people wrestle with tires or climb ropes or do push-ups. They are all ninnies. This is how you work out for real- by hugging Rockwool (aka Roxul) and strutting around your acreage. Stay tuned to see all these rocks get installed in a perfectly performing house.

Learn more about this awesome insulating material at:

Retrofitting for Performance: Crawlspace Encapsulation

Corbett Lunsford

Using 475 High Performance Building Supply materials, Corbett and his dad are encapsulating the vented crawlspace of a one-story ranch home in Atlanta. See what a difference the improvements make to the test data from the Ultra-Aire Sentry system and the blower door.

Tuning the Enclosure of our Atlanta Home Build

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett digs into the weather barriers, structures, airsealing and insulation layers of the high performance house in Atlanta, which will be featured in season 2 of the Home Diagnosis TV series.

*CORRECTION: Pango Wrap is 15-mil thick, not 20, but is still a 0.01-perm vapor barrier.

Learn more about these high performance materials:






What We Know About HOMEChem

Corbett Lunsford

If you only learn one video's worth of HOMEChem, this is the one to watch. Hear principal investigators Delphine Farmer and Marina Vance, joined by Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz and Richard Corsi and the rest of the HOMEChem researchers, describe the complexity they uncovered in this seminal study.

More at:

“Airtight" Buildings Debunked by HOMEChem

Corbett Lunsford

I've been telling people that the 475 High Performance Building Supply membranes I build with are airtight but vapor open for years. Turns out, sometimes I'm an idiot. Here's the real deal. Featuring Delphine Farmer and Marina Vance of the HOMEChem Experiment.

For more on Intello:

For more on HOMEChem:

The 4 P's to Solve Any Indoor Air Quality Problem

Corbett Lunsford

xEffortless Rocking means not trying to re-invent the wheel. Plenty of great home performance minds came before you, so take their ideas and make them your own. This one comes from Joe Lstiburek and John Straube at

Using Infrared to Find Holes in Your House

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett Lunsford loves infrared cameras (he has six of them, including this FLIR One Pro) but they're not the whole story. Pair your diagnostic tools to be a mastermind of home performance.

Learn more at

Home Improvement to Tune Performance: Test-In

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett runs a full enclosure diagnostic on a one-story ranch for his family before planning and performing the improvements on vented crawlspace and attic.

TOOL REVIEW: DG-1000 from Energy Conservatory and Minneapolis Blower Door

Corbett Lunsford

Corbett gives a crash course in the TEC’s DG-1000 used with Minneapolis Blower Door equipment (including the Duct Blaster, TruFlow Plate, and Exhaust Fan Flow Meter). TEC took away a few features like Equivalent Leakage Area estimation, but added the Tubing Assistant and firmware updating, which could endlessly add features based on user feedback.